Yesterday September 30...It was payday and I want a new pair of shoes. On my way going to mall I was stock into traffic. Staring at the window of the bus, a young guy caught my attention. He was looking at the tall buildings of the city from the sidewalk. I knew that I saw him before. Then I remembered. He was a cashier in a nearby convenience store where we use to buy food when I was assigned on a jobsite before. He reminds me of my younger brother. A poor boy with small built similar to a high school student who’s bullied by anyone in the class. My brother works as a kitchen crew on a hotel. His job wasn’t that easy for what I see, he’s waking very early to go to work because his workplace is far away from home and comes home very late that we can’t even talk because when I come home, he’s either asleep, leaving or on at work. The worst is that his earnings merely suffice his transportation expense. He often had empty pockets. I wish I can find a better job for him.
In the mall, I checked my salary on the ATM. On the screen, I was reluctant of the amount deposited on my account. I think I wasn’t paid enough but then I still withdrawn cash, the mall will be closing soon. I’ve seen all the shoes from different boutiques for me to have a good comparison, and then I picked the best for me. On a shoe stall, a group of saleslady was talking about their earnings for the week. One Saleslady was so glad she had earned that much. Then I remembered the money I withdrawn. It was bigger than her salary. I was humiliated by her happiness. I keep on asking for something else while others treasure with a little.
I was ashamed of my attitude. I forgot simple things that I need to understand. I kept on looking for something new just to fulfill my happiness not realizing that the only thing I need is just a simple appreciation of the things that I already have. I’m lucky enough. My salary wasn’t that big but I can afford the things that I want. I have a job. I have a home. We’re not affected by the calamity caused by the storm. There are so many reasons to be thankful for. I don’t really need a new pair of shoes. I still have more than enough on my rack. Funny how buying a new pair of shoes awakened me somehow.